Girl’s Weekend

A friend of mine invited me out to her farmhouse for the weekend with other few ladies! We brought our craft supplies and worked on our projects!  We had a blast! It was just nice to get a little break from the crazy life!  We went out to dinner Saturday night at the Mr. BBQ Bar & Grill place. Food was DELICIOUS!!!

Now I’m back home and this is the week of the wedding!  Our youngest son, Aiden is getting married to his sweet lady, Melody this weekend!  We are looking forward to it!

After the wedding and the Memorial Day weekend, I am heading back into the studio to update some changes.  Boy, there a quite few but it isn’t a big ones. I will be back to creating projects in no time and also there will be some sales happening; I am in need of reducing some of the excessive inventory that I have to make more room for the NEW ONES!!! 😉  This spring has been really insane with everything!

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Now onto the weekend photos!


Until then! Much loves!

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