So, I finally figured out my Word of the Year for 2023. ACTION – the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim. The definition was taken from Dictionary of Oxford Language website.
2022 was a mess for me personally and with my business. I struggled with depression as well which really conflict with many things. I had forgot my word of the year and everything snowballed as well. So many changes that was not foreseen and it did interfere with a lot of things. That’s okay because that’s what creates life. It is how it was handled is what defines everything. I think? I didn’t have a good year for at least 3/4 of the year. Again, it was how I dealt with it, not so great.
I am hoping for better 2023 and I have some goals that are related to self-care, my crafting and family. Have you discover your word of the year?
Until then! Much loves!