New Mail Call Program!

Announcing that this will start in December of 2024, I am doing Mail Call program that is available through myself. You can choose which theme you would prefer to do as some specific theme may not fit your style. Vlog is below.

I would like to have all the cards before the 1st of the month so I can do a LIVE on the 15th of the month. So for example all of the cards for January to be due before the 31st so I can include them on the 15th of February for the Mail Call Shout Out.

You’d only need to make ONE card. You do have the option of asking for the card back long as you include self-address envelope for me to mail it back to you.

However, I will not be responsible for any damages in arriving/sending or lost in mail by USPS.

January: Love, Anniversary or Winter (Due January 31st)
February: Just Because or Spring (Due February 28th)
March: Easter or Spring (Due March 31st)
April: Birthday or Spring (Due April 30th)
May: Thinking Of You or Spring (Due May 31st)
June: Sympathy, Celebration or Summer (Due June 30th)
July: Favorite Colors or Summer (Due July 31st)
August: Thank You or Summer (Due August 31st)
September: Halloween or Fall (Due September 30th)
October: Grateful or Fall (Due October 31st)
November: Christmas or Winter (Due November 30th)
December: Birthday or Winter (Due December 31st)

You can download this Mail Call form to fill out to include with your card.

If there are any questions, please feel free to email me.

Until then! 🙂

One thought on “New Mail Call Program!

  1. Be nice monthly but not able to make card anymore cuz my hand part of arthritis. 😢😢😢😢😢

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